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Axis Care Group: Wellness, Love, Leadership, Environment, Family, Creativity, Non-Profit Services

Axis Care Group:
Reclaiming Ourselves & Our Planet

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Dear Friends,

In the spirit of creating Heaven on Planet Earth, we have assembled a range of products and services to help men, women, and children, artists, healers, and the environment in which they live and thrive! To do this, we explored the process of how people come "undone" and how they are put back "together" again, on every level of their experience and full human potential. We discovered first that a safe environment is paramount. This includes the health of the materials and resources around them: sun, soil, air, water, clothing, furnishings, tools, et al.

Our services include: Coaching, Trainings, Keynotes, Consulting, Forums, Think Tanks, Retreats in the areas of Wellness, Relationships, Leadership, Environment, Economic Development, Artist Liberation, Personal Transformation, Empowerment, Mental Health, Alternative Medicine, Children & Family Work.

Below are our project sites for which we are endeavoring to raise money. We need donations, grants, and/or financial gifts for seed capital for some projects, while first, second, or other phase funding for others.

We encourage your donations to fund our on-going efforts, secure our headquarters, recruit more staff, purchase supplies, etc. We are approached weekly by people who want employment with our organization, so we really need donations to staff and base our operations.

Additionally, we are seeking the legal help to complete our non-profit status. If you or someone you know is qualified as a non-profit attorney, please let us know.

At this time, we have been doing this work for years and really need the help to complete some of the logistical details that ensure our efforts come to fruition.

Please contact us at your earliest convenience to set-up a time for us to discuss what level of participation you desire and in what capacity.

Thank you for your time, consideration, and commitment to the causes of your choice. By giving your deepest gifts, we each evolve as individuals and communities.

Much love to your precious hearts,

Teresa Ann Foxworthy
Founder & Director
"Reclaiming Ourselves & Our Planet"

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c 2010 Teresa Ann Foxworthy. All rights reserved. The entire contents of the Site are protected by international copyright laws. The owner of the copyrights is Teresa Ann Foxworthy. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post or distribute in any manner, the material on the site without permission. Thanks!

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